Matthew N. Fournier, M.D.
Fellowship-Trained in Sports Medicine.
Shoulder, Hip and Knee Specialist, Including Traumatic and Degenerative Conditions.
UW Team Physician
Laramie | Casper | Cheyenne | Rawlins | Thermopolis
Dr. Fournier’s Published Work
The Frequency of Mediastinal Injury in Acute Posterior Sternoclavicular Dislocations: A Multicenter Study
Fournier MN, Sinclair MR, Zheng ET, Spiegel DA, Johnson AL, Shah AS, Riccio AI, Elliott ME, Bae DS, Sawyer JR. The Rate of Mediastinal and Vascular Injury Following Acute Posterior Sternoclavicular Dislocation. J Pediatr Orthop. 2020
Operative Distal Radial Fractures: A Comparison of Time to Surgery After Evaluation by Surgical and Nonsurgical Providers in a Walk-in Clinic
Fournier MN, Cline J, Seal A, Throckmorton TW, Mauck M. Initial Evaluation by a Nonoperative Provider does not Delay the Surgical Care of Distal Radius Fractures in a Walk-in Orthopaedic Clinic. Orthop Clin North Am. 2020
Initial Evaluation by a Nonoperative Provider Does Not Delay the Surgical Care of Operative Ankle Fractures in a Walk-in Orthopaedic Clinic
Fournier MN, Cline J, Seal A, Throckmorton TW, Bettin CC, Murphy GA. Initial Evaluation by a Nonoperative Provider does not Delay the Surgical Care of Ankle Fractures in a Walk-in Orthopaedic Clinic. Foot and Ankle Orth. 2021.