Matthew N. Fournier, M.D.
Fellowship-Trained in Sports Medicine.
Shoulder, Hip and Knee Specialist, Including Traumatic and Degenerative Conditions.
UW Team Physician
Laramie | Casper | Cheyenne | Rawlins | Thermopolis
Dr. Fournier’s Published Work
Preoperative risk factors for lower physical therapy compliance rates after shoulder arthroplasty
Matthew N. Fournier MD, Daniel Smigielski MD, Ryker E. Saunders MD, David L. Bernholt MD, Richard A. Smith PhD, Frederick M. Azar MD, Tyler J. Brolin MD, Thomas W. Throckmorton MD
Firearms can be safely used following shoulder arthroplasty
Carson M. Rider, MD, Matthew N. Fournier, MD, Kirk M. Thompson, MD, Frederick M. Azar, MD, Tyler J. Brolin, MD, Thomas W. Throckmorton, MD
Identifying appropriate candidates for ambulatory outpatient shoulder arthroplasty: validation of a patient selection algorithm
Fournier MN, Brolin TJ, Azar FM, Stephens R, Throckmorton TW. Identifying Appropriate Candidates for Ambulatory Outpatient Shoulder Arthroplasty: Validation of a Patient Selection Algorithm. J Shoulder Elbow Surg. 2019